本网站由SGS拥有和运营. SGS grants You a limited license to access and make personal use of the Site and not to download (other than page caching, 出版物, 技术文件或其他信息)或修改, 或者它的任何部分, 除非SGS明确书面同意. This license does not include any resale or commercial use of the Site or its contents; any collection 和使用 any product listings, descriptions or prices; any derivative use of the Site or its contents; any downloading or copying of account information for the benefit of another merchant; or any use of data mining, 机器人或类似的数据收集和提取工具. 本网站或其任何部分不得复制, 复制, 复制, 出售, 转售, visited or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without the express written consent of SGS. 您可能不会框架或利用框架技术来附上任何商标, 标志, 或其他专有信息(包括图像), 文本, 页面布局或表格),未经明确书面同意. You may not use any meta tags or other "hidden 文本" utilizing SGS's name or trademarks without the express written consent of SGS. 任何未经授权的使用将终止SGS授予的许可或许可.
本网站可能包括公告栏, discussion groups and other public areas that allow feedback to SGS and interaction between users ("Forums"). Some Forums are open to the public, while others may require that You register for access. While SGS does not control the information/materials posted to Forums by users (the "Messages"), it reserves the right (which it may exercise at its sole discretion without notice) to delete, move or edit the Messages and to terminate your access to 和使用 the Forums and you waive any moral rights that you may have in regard to the Messages.
本网站可能包含SGS的就业机会信息. 如果你决定申请一个空缺,我们将假定, 通过创建申请表格或发送您的简历, 您表示您同意SGS使用, hold and destroy any personal data contained in your form/CV for the purpose of considering Your application in accordance with our standard recruitment procedures and for the purposes outlined in detail below.
如果您不同意SGS使用,请不要申请, 为下列任何目的而持有或销毁您的资料:
We may wish to retain Your details on file for up to the next 12 months and to notify you of any suitable vacancies that arise. You would then have the opportunity to apply for these vacancies if You wished to do so.
我们可能会将您的个人信息用于市场调查, specifically relating to the improvement of recruitment and HR policies and practices.
这取决于应用程序的性质, it is possible that Your personal information will be transferred outside of the European Economic Area (EEA).
本网站可能为您提供订购SGS全球彩票app的机会. 有关订货条件和, 如果适用的话, 购买条款可在此处的相关页面找到. 全球彩票app可通过信用卡订购和购买. All such credit card payments are processed by JP Morgan Chase (“JPMC”) and are subject to the JPMC terms and conditions found at http://www.chasepaymentech.com. SGS disclaims any and all liability for the processing of any such payments by JPMC and shall in no event be liable for any direct, 特殊的, 间接, 附带或间接损害赔偿.
SGS不会保留或以其他方式存储您的任何信用卡付款信息. All of your personally identifiable information relating to accessing your account will, 然而, be stored on SGS servers and will be subject to the SGS Privacy Policy found on 这个网站.
退款将根据具体情况进行处理, 如果得到批准, 退款将在退款批准之日起三十(30)天内发放. 请注意,现金退款不可用. Any particular refund questions should be directed to your local SGS representative.
All stock price information is provided to SGS by Swissquote for informational purposes only, 不是用于交易目的,并且延迟至少30分钟. SGS不保证顺序, 精度, 或显示的任何股票价格信息或其他数据的完整性, 并且不以任何方式对任何延误负责, 不准确, or errors in any stock price information or data or in the transmission of any stock price information or data. The stock price information or data provided is not to be relied upon for any trading, business or financial purpose and SGS is not liable or responsible in any way for any damages, losses or costs arising from reliance on this information or incurred as a result of the non-performance, interruption or termination for any reason whatsoever of the stock price information or data.
你的访问权限, 和使用, 这个网站, 隐私政策和这些访问条款(以及任何争议), 争议, proceedings or claim of whatsoever nature arising in any way therefrom) shall be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Switzerland exclusive of any rules with respect to conflicts of laws. All disputes arising in connection herewith shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the canton of Geneva.
The information contained on 这个网站 or in any publication made available on or through 这个网站 is the exclusive property of SGS or is licensed to SGS and is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights. 本网站所载内容不得转载, 未经SGS事先书面授权,以任何方式分发或编辑.
This Site contains trademarks which are owned and registered by SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA, SGS公司的全资子公司, 以区分其全球彩票app. 在此不授予或暗示任何使用这些商标的许可. 未经明确书面授权,不得转载.
您是否应该通过点击提供的链接到达此页面 http://sgsonsite.mazet-des-senteurs.com, 然后是以下全球彩票app和/或系统一般条件, 产品及全球彩票app认证 are to be read in conjunction with the User Agreement, 在SGSonSITE注册客户账号时,您接受了哪些. 除非另有特别说明, 本网站提及的所有全球彩票app均受下列条款及条件的约束.
For purposes of the 条款与条件 below as well as the General Conditions for System, 产品及全球彩票app认证, reference to "Company" shall be interpreted to mean that SGS Affiliate which enters into a binding contract with You as Client.
The information contained and accessed on or through this site (the "Site") is provided by SGS for general guidance and is intended to offer You general information of interest. SGS拥有或许可网站上的所有文本、数据、图像和其他材料. SGS has made every effort to ensure that the information contained on 这个网站 is accurate and reliable. 然而,有时可能会出现错误. Therefore SGS expressly disclaims all express or implied warranties of any kind as to any matter whatsoever relating to these pages. IN NO EVENT SHALL SGS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS OR DAMAGE (WHETHER FOR LOSS OF PROFIT OR OTHERWISE) ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS.